Thursday 4 October 2007

advice on garden studios in scotland

Does anyone know of designers/architects in Scotland who are currently making beautiful and functional garden studios? Most sites I have come across for commissioning/purchasing a sound 4 season space seem to be based down south.

I am interested in in ecologically sound design, and would want a workspace in the garden that would be warm and dry all year round as - well - it pours in Scotland a lot of the time.

Thank you very much for any advice/links to relevant sites.


Alex Johnson said...

It's maybe worth contacting some of the English companies in the meantime - many of them operate outside their immediate area and there are several in the north of England too. I'll post on the site and see who replies. In the meantime you could try:

keith said...

Hi there, I'm writing In response to advice on garden studios in scotland. I am based in scotland and in the process of starting a business designing and building garden studios.At the moment I am getting my website and advertising designed but hope to be up and running as soon as possible. If you are interested you can contact me :

Cabin Living said...

Hi There,

We are Cabin Living a log cabin supply and installation company based in Central Scotland but with services throughout the UK. We have installed Cabins from London to Blackpool to Glasgow.

With a good range of log cabins ideal for garden office use and a service offering bespoke log cabins at very competitive prices. We have experience project managing from start to finish including basework, assembly, electrics, networking, underfloor heating and insulation.

We are also in the process of adding green roofs to our portfolio of options for eco cabins.

Please visit our site Garden Office and log cabins from Cabin Living
Or contact info(at)

